Gabriella De Lorenzis

Gabriella De Lorenzi

Role: Associate Professor

Affiliation: Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Milan


After obtaining scientific high school diploma, in 2005, I graduated in Plant and Microbial Biotechnology at the University of Pisa, with a thesis on the use of molecular markers for the varietal identification of grapevine cultivars, and in 2009, I obtained the title of doctor in Plant Production Sciences, with a thesis on the study and characterization of biosynthetic pathway of grapevine volatile compounds. At the end of 2009, I won a research grant at the University of Milan which allowed me to be involved in projects concerning the genetic characterization of cultivated and wild grapevine germplasm, Italian and beyond, for the identification of resistant genes to biotic and abiotic stresses. In 2017, I became a research at the University of Milan and in December 2021, an associate professor in the field of general arboriculture and tree crops. I currently teach disciplines related to plant genetic improvement in the University degree courses. To date, my main research areas are related to the study of grapevine domestication process, the study of genetic resistant mechanisms to biotic and abiotic stress in grapevines, the identification of alternative solutions to pesticides for disease control and the use of genome editing technique. I have collaborated and I am still collaborating with numerous research groups, national and international, in the framework of projects funded by regional, national and European Union authorities.


Expertise and skills:
