Jacopo Bacenetti

Role: Associate Professor

Affiliation: Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy (ESP), University of Milan


I graduated in Plant Production and Protection Sciences and obtained my PhD in Technological Innovation for Agricultural, Environmental and Food Sciences. My research activity is related to the agricultural engineering sector where my main focus is the assessment of the technical, operative, energetic and environmental sustainability of the various production chains by applying the life cycle assessment approach. I am in charge of a course entitled “Analysis of the environmental impact of agricultural supply chains” open to students of the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and of a course in English entitled “Bioresourse and Pollution Control Technologies” addressed to students of the master’s degree in Environmental Change and Global Sustainability. My task in the project is focused on assessing the environmental sustainability of the innovative solutions proposed for the defense of the vineyard.

Contacts: https://www.unimi.it/it/ugov/person/jacopo-bacenetti

Expertise and skills: https://expertise.unimi.it/get/person/jacopo-bacenetti

Publications: https://orcid.org/my-orcid?orcid=0000-0002-9188-4475